Back in 1984 all I can really remember is that we got there in the back of my Dad's mate's van and were lucky to escape serious injury as he didn't slow down at all going round bends on account of his live cargo. Also away fans were sat along one of the touchlines and I was lucky enough to be in the front row. It was an odd experience because we were actually lower than the pitch and we were looking straight ahead at the players boots.

The biggest change I can think of in the last 25 years was nothing to do with Charlton. It was in our support. Back then we were notorious as a quiet set of fans who could just about get a 'Watford (clap clap clap)' chant going but that was it. Yesterday we were absolutely immense. If ever you've doubted the whole twelfth man sentiment you should have seen the support the fans gave the team yesterday. I'd almost go as far as to say we were man of the match because it was only us that didn't stop for the whole 90 minutes.
Unfortunately on the pitch for a ropey 20 minutes spell the players did slip back into old ways. We seemed content to sit on our slim lead whilst our defence took their eye off the ball twice and allowed Charlton easy access through the middle of the park to take the lead.
As I've documentated before one of our failings under Brendan has been our ability to bounce back from going behind. However a half time rollicking put this to rights. We looked more confident in the second half and although its a cliche, once Raziak had scored our brilliant second goal there was only going to be one winner. When Priskin went clear and was one on one with the keeper you knew we'd secured all three points even before the ball hit the back of the net.
All in all it was a very satisfying afternoon out. Exciting game, great singing, good acoustics, easy to get to and the right result. We shall miss Charlton next season. Well, so long as we don't cock it up against Forest on Tuesday night.