Its difficult to fathom exactly what's going on after tonight's AGM. I only have the BBC and the WO to go on, and more tellingly some of the comments after the WO story.
Jimmy and Vince resigning was not on the agenda at all as far as I could see. Them being removed by Simpson and Ashcroft was certainly a possibility but not them going of their own accord. The BBC claim they are now demanding the repayment of the loans which presumably will force us into administration.
I don't believe the Russo's are doing this just to be difficult. They must be doing it to try and get rid of Simpson and Ashcroft.
However, this seems to rely on everyone having the best interests of the football club at heart. There is only one man who I can truly 100% say I know has that. And that is GT whom I feel very sorry for finding himself in the middle of this mess.