After keeping this up to date for the last two seasons and with a new season bearing down on us unbelievably quickly I've decided to withdraw from the Watford blogging community for a while. I certainly don't mean this to be the end of my blogging days. But working, family life and watching football takes up so much time that finding extra minutes to then blog about what I've watched seems to get less and less every week.
Thanks to everyone who has ever stumbled across this page whether by design or whether they were mysteriously searching for the terms 'watford' and 'prostitution' on Google (try it, it still works). Thanks also to all those who've got in touch.
If the mood takes me I might still post stuff or tweet ocassionally. But if you're after a regular Watford blog then I'd strongly advise you to check out the guys at From The Rookery End who don't only blog but podcast too. The old favourite bhappy is always worth a read and give the new kid on the block a try And It Was All Yellow.
Come on you 'Orns!
All the best,